Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Challenge: SSC and RACK- Promote it, Embrace it, Practice it!


First off, the person being accused of non-consensual BDSM bad behavior has more then one strike on their record.That being said, the individual on trial is not whom I will addressing in this issue. I think his actions are clearly pointed as negative actions in the BDSM world without my words of wisdom. It is the 'victim' whom I feel needs to be straitened out.

It is one thing to accurately press charges when a BDSM relationship becomes non-consensual and crosses over to abusive. It is another thing to do it, involve the authorities,  then pretend to 'take it back.' The fact of the matter is,  for there to be even a shadow of a doubt in this girls mind that her partner was abusive... then he probably was.

So what do I think happened? I think she is like any other unstable, young woman around the world who is stuck in an abusive relationship because she doesn't know how to get out of it.  So many incidents are reported where woman are beaten and abused, but even when the authorities are involved they defend their abusive partners. It makes me sick that woman are weak enough to believe that abusive men are their only option.

The horrible part is, this certain situation attempts to blame it BDSM.

It hurts those of us who are fighting for education, understanding, and sexual freedom, when there are individual who are unintentionally sabotaging our work, and sabotaging the whole practice of BDSM all together. It is cases like this one that can convince the government, especially one as conservative as Oklahoma, to make BDSM practices illegal. Sure, it is taboo at this point, but most officials will look the other way as long as we practice the SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consesual) and RACK (Risk, Aware, Consensual, Kink) which a majority of good BDSMers practice.


Thank you to the wonderful Beth, who enlightened me to more education. I am, after all, a student and learning myself. Here is an article on woman in abusive relationships and more knowledge about those situations.


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